These regulations apply to the Cardiff, Glyntaff, Newport and Treforest libraries .
- All registered students of the University automatically have a library account; the student ID card is their library card.
- Members of staff should contact the library in order that a library account can be set up; staff membership is renewed annually.
- External membership of the library.
- Alumni and Community Membership.
Loan of Books and Equipment
- A current University ID card (library card for staff, external and corporate/school members) must be used every time a book or item of equipment is borrowed or renewed in person. A student borrower may only use a University ID card bearing his/her own photograph.
- The loan entitlement and loan periods are as agreed by the Executive and stated in the Library Services Guide.
- Media equipment is booked through the Connect2* online booking system. Access is limited to staff of the University and students enrolled on designated courses. Terms and conditions are displayed on the Connect2 homepage.
- Fines for overdue books and equipment shall be levied at a rate agreed by the Executive. Non-payment of fines will result in suspension from use of the Library.
- Non-return of items on loan or damage to items on loan will be subject to a replacement/repair charge as determined by Library Services. Laptops and media equipment replacement/repair costs are determined by the Equipment Loans Policy (PDF).
- Any student who is in debt to the University may be excluded from any or all University services (e.g. libraries, teaching and assessment) and may be refused permission to re-enrol with the University until the debt is paid. Assessment results may be withheld and certificates will not be issued until the debt is paid. The University may take appropriate steps to recover any outstanding debts or recover/replace any University property.
- Loan items will be renewed automatically if they are not required by other readers.
- Recalls: any items on loan may be recalled if requested by another reader and must be returned to the library within one week from the date of the recall. Non-return of recalled items will lead to suspension of library facilities, and fines will be charged at the approved rate.
- Requests & Intersite requests: requests for items on loan to another reader, or for items available from another campus, are made using the online library catalogue, FINDit. The reader will be notified by email when the request is available to collect from the request collection shelves; the request will be kept for one week.
- Inter-library Loan requests for books and journal articles from other libraries can be made via FINDit. Such loans are subject in each case to the conditions imposed by the library providing the loan. Taught students can have up to 5 free inter-library loans per academic year; thereafter the charge is £3.00 per item for satisfied requests.
- Access to theses is via the British Library online service EThOS.
- It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that all Library materials are properly issued before removal from the Library; self-service machines for the issue/return of books, dvds and cds are found in all USW libraries. All users leaving the library in possession of books or papers or equipment must show them on request. Any attempt to remove materials without having them properly issued will lead in the first instance to the reader’s Head of Department being informed, and in the case of students, also the course tutor. A second offence will lead to a suspension of Library use, and the Head of Department being informed for disciplinary action. A third offence will result in a £50 fine, as well as a further suspension and the Head of Department again being informed.
- External borrowers including corporate/school members will have all borrowing facilities withdrawn at the first offence. Appeals against the application of Library Services sanctions should be addressed to Lynne Evans Associate Director: Head of Library Services. Any further appeal on the same case will be dealt with by the Head of Student Support and Library Services.
- Copyright is a legal right. The University is both a creator, and user, of copyright material and takes its responsibilities in relation to copyright and other intellectual property seriously.
- Before you copy any material (in whatever form) you should be satisfied that you are acting in accordance with the law. Guidance on copyright matters is available on the USW website.
Computer Facilities
- Use of computer-based services provided by Library Services is subject to the University’s Regulations for the use of University computing facilities.
- Any username, password or PIN number provided to a user for access to Library services is for personal use only and must not be disclosed to anyone else.
- Access to some Library resources is governed by regulations, which limit use to University of South Wales staff and students, and users ceasing to be members of staff or students of the University must discontinue their use of these services.
- Library users should be able to show some form of identification (e.g. University ID card) if asked by Library staff.
- Users are required to work quietly in the Library so as not to disturb others and to observe the requirements for each study zone. Offenders will be asked to leave.
- Alcohol, smoking (including e-cigarettes) and hot food are not permitted in the Library. There is signage within each study zone giving guidance about what food and drink is permitted within each zone. Offenders will be asked to leave.
- In order to avoid disturbing other users, mobile phone calls should be made from designated areas or outside the Library. Similarly, any calls received within the Library should be taken outside the building or in a designated area.
- The use of any personal equipment connected to mains electrical supply (unless previously tested by the University) is not permitted in the Library under any circumstances.
- Filming, recording or photography in the Library requires the permission of the Collections Manager or their nominee.
- Any loss or damage to Library materials or equipment should be reported immediately. Users are referred to the Equipment Loans Policy (Liability for Loss or Damage).
- Any disorderly conduct, abusive behaviour towards staff or students or breach of the regulations will result in the user concerned being asked to leave, and could result in suspension from the use of the Library, Library Services and further University disciplinary action.
- Any damage to or theft of University property including Library materials or equipment may result in disciplinary action under Section 2.1 of the University’s Regulations Governing Student Conduct.
- The Library is open for 24 hours at certain times of the year for students who wish to study overnight. For health and safety reasons, the library must not be deliberately used as a place to sleep. Students found asleep will be woken up to ensure that they are not unwell and may be asked to leave the Library. Any student who needs help to find suitable accommodation should contact staff at the Advice Zone.