How to access theses when EThOS is still down after British Library cyber attack

British Library cyber attack


British Library’s EThOS, the repository for UK PhD theses, is still unavailable after a serious ransomware attack late last year.

Although many of the British Library’s online services are now up and running, we do not know when EThOS will be available again.

If you have been trying to access an online thesis or dissertation in FINDit and have come across a 'non available' page, then it is likely that you have been directed to the currently defunct EThOS.

Where can I get access to a doctoral thesis?

We are unable to process interlibrary loans requests for theses and dissertations. So until EThOS is back up and running again, try the following:

You can also seek alternative sources of information via

When will it be back up?

British Library blog: Keep up to date with developments as British Library continue to get their online services running again.


For any queries about Interlibrary Loans, please contact [email protected]

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