Partner Colleges Service Agreement

Service Agreement for Library and Media Provision for Partnership Awards between the University of South Wales and Partner Colleges.

Printed Materials

  • Colleges should resource their libraries to enable them to stock all essential material included on reading lists (including journals) in sufficient number of copies, either as reference or loan copies, to meet demand from students on University partnership awards.
  • It is recognised that some students on University partnership awards, particularly those who live geographically close to the University, may want to use University library material for background information (especially reference material).
  • All students on partnership awards are entitled to join the University of South Wales Libraries and have full borrowing rights for library materials, as well as access to reference materials.
  • Partner colleges should provide an inter-library loan service, on their own or in conjunction with a public library, with a clear indication of the conditions applying (e.g. students’ entitlement and/or charging policy).


  • All colleges should have their own Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) licence and should investigate taking out other appropriate licences, e.g. Newspaper Licensing Agency (NLA)
  • The University will provide advice for college libraries on relevant copyright issues.

Audio-visual Materials/Media Equipment

  • All colleges should have their own Educational Recording Agency (ERA) (external link) licence.
  • The University will provide advice for college libraries on relevant audio-visual issues, including advice on making copies of television programmes and the purchase of audio-visual equipment.
  • It is expected that colleges will provide audio-visual and media equipment for students on partnership awards undertaking media modules or carrying out work on presentation skills etc.

Electronic Materials

  • The University will ensure that students on partnership awards in colleges have access to web-based electronic resources paid for by the University where this is permissible under licensing agreements. The University will also provide students on partnership awards with details of usernames and passwords to enable them to access these services. Access to these web-based electronic services for college library and academic staff supporting partnership awards will also be provided where it is permissible under licensing agreements, although this is likely to be more restrictive than for students. It may be necessary to ask colleges to contribute to the costs, if, for example, it proves necessary to increase the number of simultaneous users allowed or if suppliers require additional payment for access by college library and academic staff.
  • Colleges should seek to purchase access to electronic sources for their students where the use of particular sources is essential and where preferential subscription rates are offered to the FE community.
  • Where possible, the University Library will allow access to its webpages by staff and students at partner colleges, including access to the catalogue, links to electronic sources, documentation on how to use particular electronic sources, and information about University Library services.

Colleges should provide library opening hours commensurate with user needs, to include some evening and/or weekend opening in term-time.

College Support

The College should provide appropriate professional librarian staffing to support students during opening hours.

University Support

The University will provide advice for partner college librarians in the following areas:

Academic Services

Lynne Evans - Associate Director: Head of Library Services

Gill Edwardes is your librarian for: Education Psychology & Therapeutic Studies.

José Lopez Blanco is your Librarian for: 
Humanities, Social Sciences and Law / Art, Animation, Games & Visual Effects, Design, Drama & Performance, Film & Media, Journalism.

Sharon Latham is your Librarian for:
Engineering, Computing & Mathematics, Applied Science.

Louise Wallace is your Librarian for:
Care Sciences, Health, Sport & Professional Practice.

Lowri Williams is your Librarian for: Business, Accounting & Finance / Fashion, Marketing & Advertising, Music & Sound, Photography.

Loan, Inter-library Loan and Document Delivery Services
Lesley Hargraves

Webpage Design / Development
Sharon Latham

Library Systems
Wayne Morris

Off-campus Access to Electronic Services
Lynne Evans

General Quality and Validation Issues
Lynne Evans

In normal circumstances, in-depth induction and user education for students on partnership awards will not be provided by University Library staff in relation to services and facilities at the University of South Wales. However, all partner college students have access to the Library Skills resources.

In addition all of the University Library Guides are available from the the Library Skills page. Partner college librarians will be able to use this material to incorporate information about University resources in their own student induction and user education sessions.

  • College Librarians must have direct involvement in all validation processes for University partnership awards at the college to ensure that learning resources aspects are fully considered.
  • The Head of Learning Services (or a nominee) will be involved in the processes for Institutional Approval and Review for both existing and any new partnerships which the University may develop.
  • Faculty Librarians will, over time, be given the opportunity to visit partner colleges relevant to their subject responsibilities.
  • Staff and students of the partner colleges can access the University’s FINDit information gateway which provides information on all University Library holdings, which will help college library staff in checking bibliographic details of recommended reading and in identifying supporting materials not on reading lists.
  • Staff and students of the partner colleges are able to access the online reading list feature in each Blackboard module. This will provide a guide to the recommended reading for each module. Where college librarians find it difficult to locate reading lists for modules, Faculty Librarians will seek to obtain copies for them.
  • The University Library will provide a portal on its website for students in partner colleges, giving links to all relevant pages on the site. 
  • An e-mail distribution list for the partner college librarians will be maintained. 
  • Teams will be used for appropriate University Library-Partner College Library communication.